Want to learn Welsh? Rhodri Trefor the Arts Council’s Learning Welsh coordinator has put together a suite of opportunities for you to learn Welsh, whether you’re a beginner, or just need an opportunity to practice your Welsh or boost your confidence. Please take a look below and then contact Rhodri by e-mail to set up a further discussion.


Fast Track course

Would you like to learn Welsh from scratch and hold a conversation within a year? You might want to consider the ‘fast track’ scheme starting on 16th January 2023.

This begins with a week’s residence at Canolfan Iaith Genedlaethol Nant Gwrtheyrn, Llŷn, 16-20 January, and it is followed by a 60 hour course of self-study with the support of the Arts Council’s tutor, Rhodri Trefor.

The course is free to you, and we will also pay for your time during your periods at Nant Gwrtheyrn.

For further information please contact Rhodri.trefor@celf.cymru


Self Study Courses

Want to learn Welsh? Why not take the opportunity to attend the Entry or Foundation course free of charge. These are courses on which you can learn at your own pace without any pressure. There will be a few assignments to do with occasional revision sessions with the tutor. But the tutor can be flexible to your needs and will be on hand to help you along the way. A great opportunity for organisations to improve workplace skills and offer freelancers an invaluable skill.

  • Entry course: At the end of this course, you will be able to understand simple language patterns including present, past, and future tenses, and everyday words and phrases.
  • Foundation course: At the end of this course, you will be able to confidently discuss present, past and future tenses.  You will be able to discuss topics such as friends, family, work, and hobbies.

A great opportunity to learn at your own pace, without any pressure, from the comfort of your home or office.  

For further information please contact Rhodri.trefor@celf.cymru

Cymraeg Courses

These are traditional learning pattern courses being offered by the Arts Council tutor – 2 hours a week during normal working hours (9-5).

Worried about time? Having to miss sessions? Work dedication makes it difficult at times?  No problem. Of course, we expect dedication and hard work. But, working in the arts we understand how difficult it can be sometimes. So, we'll support you with "Catch up" sessions.

Not sure of your level? We can assess you and advise.

For further information please contact Rhodri.trefor@celf.cymru

Confidence Building

Speak Welsh? Lost confidence to use it? No chance to practice it? No one speaks Welsh at work? We can help.

Contact us! A good way to engage and other companions in the Arts.  Share your concerns. We can tailor fun Courses for you. A good opportunity to practice and have fun at the same time. 

It will be tutor led for 2 hours over 10 sessions. And we can do sessions relevant to your field e.g. scripting, artwork, discussion of literature...  We’re open to   all suggestions!

For further information please contact Rhodri.trefor@celf.cymru

Sessions to practice Speaking Welsh

Would you like to practice your Welsh over a coffee? Schedule a weekly time with another partner to have an informal conversation and put the world in its place?  This is the opportunity for you to get better and to get to know someone new.

Welsh speakers: Would you like to contribute to helping Welsh learners become more confident and fluent in Welsh? This can only be a good thing for improving and reinforcing the Arts in Wales. We and the learners would be extremely grateful to have your support and you’ll also be contributing directly to realizing the goal of one million Welsh speakers by 2050.

For further information please contact Rhodri.trefor@celf.cymru