
This is the third Llais y Lle fund. To date, 29 individuals across Cymru have joined us on a journey of discovery ... How can we place Cymraeg and culture Cymreig at the centre of community creativity while encouraging ownership and use of it?

The fund aims to develop the creative use of Cymraeg within communities by supporting creative individuals to collaborate and co-create with a specific community.

The need, experience and potential of each community is different and the variety of plans that have already been implemented reflects this. Now's your chance, if you have an idea of how you can work with a specific community to address the challenge, give it go.

You are not expected to know what the end product will be but you must have a clear creative action plan that will allow a central voice (llais) for Cymraeg and for the community (lle). It is up to you and the community to decide the most relevant methods to use to address the aim.

We welcome applications from across Cymru but will prioritise the following areas: Caerffili, Torfaen, Fflint, Meirionydd, Sr Benfro, Casnewydd, Penybont.

Who can apply?

The fund is open to creative individuals with a passion for developing communities’ relationship with the Welsh language. All ideas must be creative. The arts should be central to those creative ideas.

We welcome partnerships with community organisations and/or arts organisations but the work must be led by the creative individuals.

You can apply for up to £30,000 for a comprehensive creative community plan over the course of a year or up to £7,500 for developing your relationship with the community over the course of a year.

When to apply and important dates

The fund is open from 24th February 2025 and closes at 12pm on Friday, April 11th 2025.

Ysgogydd y Gymraeg will be holding information sessions about the fund on the following dates:

Thursday 27 February at 16:00 Join on Zoom here

Monday 10 March at 12:00 Join on Zoom here 

Monday 10 March at 18:00 Join on Zoom here

All plans will start by the end of June 2025 and finish by the end of May 2026

For more information contact einir.sion@celf.cymru 

Funding help documents01.02.2024

Llais y Lle (Voice of Place) Guidance

Funding help documents03.01.2023

Budget Template: Llais y Lle

Frequently Asked Questions

No. We are looking for creative individuals who have experience and ability of working creatively with communities and the Welsh language as well as established artists. All ideas and delivery must be creative. The arts should be central to those creative ideas

You’ll need to use our online ‘portal’ to make an application. If you haven’t done so already, you’ll need to register for access to the portal. You can find out how to do this here .

If you’re unable to access the online form or require further assistance, please contact us at grants@arts.wales or via 03301 242733 (helpline) all calls charged at local rates.

No, this fund is specifically designed for individuals. We encourage support and an agreement with organisations but the work must be person/s led.

We welcome applications from creative individuals (or a group of individuals) from all walks of life living in Wales. One individual must take the lead and be responsible for the application, funding and reporting.

No, but it would be beneficial. Applicants can be anywhere on the Welsh learning pathway but it must be demonstrated how non-Welsh language candidates will enable Welsh creative communication. The purpose of the fund is to creatively develop the use and ownership of the Welsh language.

No, but you must be present in the community and have a connection to it. We want to avoid a fly in fly out approach. We will not be accepting applications for virtual working or remote engagement although some virtual techniques can be used within the activity if it is beneficial.

Yes. We recognise that the use and ownership of the Welsh language needs to be developed or reinforced in every community in Wales. We will be accepting applications that offer creative ideas on the development of the Welsh language within any community in Wales, whatever their current relationship with the Welsh language.

No. The definition of location includes geographically specific communities as well as cultural communities. It's the people in the place that matter. We invite you to present creative ideas about developing use, ownership, and pride in the Welsh language with the people within a particular community.

People within each community are diverse and one community may contain a number of smaller communities. An application can be submitted for working with one of those smaller communities although we will be looking for ideas that develop their engagement with the wider community. There is no specific boundary to the size or population of the community set, but we do not expect regional or national working applications at this point.

Everyone will work towards the same goal of increasing use and ownership of Welsh. The methods of reaching this goal will vary in each community and the outcome will depend on the starting point of that community. What matters is the creative approaches offered to address the question and the central voice given to the community during planning and implementation. The most relevant methods are up to you and the community.

This work will require working for a year (not full time) and joining in sharing and discussion sessions during the project with the other practitioners, members of the Welsh language art consortium and the Welsh language Enabler. You will collect, share, assess and adapt according to the requirements of the community and discuss developments with us during the sharing sessions and four reporting dates. You will be expected to follow an Outcome-based accountability framework when reporting. We will support this approach with resources and training.

We will be assessing all successful ideas throughout the year and planning relevant future opportunities based on the findings. We hope to release information on any future opportunities before the end of the life of this current fund.

We can support some childcare costs that help you take part in the  programme especially if you won’t be able to take part if you don’t receive support.  You’ll need to explain why this support is required in your budget.  These costs would be additional to the total grant.

If you’ll be working with children, young people and/or vulnerable adults, you’ll need to provide evidence that appropriate and adequate safeguards have been put in place. This includes having any necessary safeguarding checks carried out by the Disclosure and Barring Service.

No, you can apply for one or the other. You can apply for up to £7,500 or up to £30,000. The amount you will ask for needs to reflects your plans for the year.

Yes. We are committed to making our grant process and the projects we fund accessible to all.

Click here to see the many ways we can support.

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