We are pleased to announce an open call today to offer a limited number of workshop places which are part of our ‘Developing Literary Translation in Wales’ programme supported by the Arts Council of Wales and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

The programme aims to empower Welsh-speaking writers and literary translators by giving them the opportunity to develop their translation skills in poetry, prose and theatre in the company of some of Wales most exciting writers.

The poetry and prose workshops will take place in Caernarfon on September 21st and 22nd and the theatre workshops on September 28th at Canolfan Yr Egin, Carmarthen in partnership with Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru. The workshops are free to the selected participants and bursaries are available to help with travel and accomodation costs.

Full details of the open calls can be downloaded by following these links

POETRY AND PROSE (English version)

THEATRE (English version)

To apply, complete an online application form by 12th August 2024

Poetry and Prose


or email the required documents noted in the call to nici@lit-across-frontiers.org  and post@waleslitexchange.org

Closing date: 12/08/2024