Ffilm Cymru Wales has chosen Keefa Chan to make a short documentary about how Newport’s Chartist mural has inspired the city’s creative community. 

Production has started on Rebels and Renaissance, a cinematic exploration of Newport's artists and the working-class history of the chartists’ rebellion. Produced by Rewired Life, the film will capture the essence of Newport’s eclectic and diverse community of talented local creatives, and sets out to ask what are the responsibilities of the artists, and how valuable is art to the people of Newport?

Keefa was selected after responding to Ffilm Cymru Wales’ open call for a filmmaker to create a work that captures Newport’s creative spirit. 

Fleeing conflict in Vietnam and Cambodia, Keefa’s family moved to Newport in the 1980s, where the local Bettws community became his home and inspiration for storytelling. The self-taught cinematographer has since worked on film and TV productions including Casualty, sci-fi feature The Machine, and short films for BBC Cymru Wales, S4C and It’s My Shout. In 2015, he won a BAFTA Cymru award for Best Factual Photography on Fog of Sex. 

Keefa says, “Returning to Newport in 2008 after a decade in London's film industry, I found inspiration in unexpected places, like the popular little secret cinema operated by the beloved 'Dai the Pie,' which was frequented and much loved by local artists, musicians and filmmakers. There I discovered a delightful, vibrant creative community that fuelled my passion for storytelling.”

Discussing the creative vision for his new film, Keefa adds, “From the echoes of past struggles to the present-day expressions of artistic resistance, we'll uncover how Newport's artists continue to draw inspiration from their city's history of dissidence, infusing their work with a rebellious energy that challenges the status quo and pushes boundaries. Through their insights, we'll gain a deeper understanding of how art serves as a vehicle for social commentary and transformation, echoing the rebellious spirit of Newport's past while charting a path toward a more inclusive and empowered future.”

Watch this video to take a look behind the scenes and discover more about Keefa’s creative vision.

Ffilm Cymru Wales has also recruited five local people for paid training placements on the set of the short film. In addition to valuable hands-on experience of a working film production, including in the camera, sound and locations departments, trainees spent a day learning all about roles and responsibilities, health and safety, and on-set etiquette. 

The finished film will premiere at Foot In The Door’s Film Skills Fest at The Place in Newport this Autumn. 

This project is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in partnership with Newport City Council, with additional funding made possible with the support of Ffilm Cymru Wales and BFI NETWORK with funding from the National Lottery.