South Asian Heritage Month happens every year from 18th July to 17th August, falling on the anniversary of the Partition. It commemorates, honours and celebrates South Asian history and culture, as well as the unique cultures and legacies of countries that make up South Asia. The theme for this year is ‘Stories to Tell’ and we’re bringing together writers to highlight the power of storytelling for South Asian histories past, present, and future.

Come along to Chapter Arts Centre on Saturday 12 August 2023 and celebrate SAHM 2023 with us, in a special event featuring six writers and spoken word artists from the South Asian community. The writers are: Durre Shahwar, Nasia Sarwar-Skuse, Taz Rahman, Hammad Rind, Vidhi Chaudhary and Rha Arayal. The event will be hosted by Durre Shahwar and Jafar Iqbal, and will feature publisher Lucent Dreaming. South Asian members of the audience will also be invited to share work, anecdotes, and whatever they feel comfortable with on the day.

This will be the start of something bigger to mark South Asian culture within Wales, and we’d love for you to be there at the very beginning of the journey.