Our 16th annual End of Summer exhibition will be held in Waunifor this year from Saturday 19 to Monday 28 August, with forty four artists from all over west Wales.

The range of work includes painting, printmaking, ceramics, fused glass, papier maché, textile art, photography, sculpture, hand felting, jewellery, handmade books, stained glass, installation, and a Welsh Wall especially for six artists whose first language is Welsh. There will be at least one practical workshop each day, including a Welsh storytelling session.

Well-known Welsh musicians Ceri Rhys Matthews and Julie Murphy will perform an acoustic recital of songs and music from west Wales at the Rendezvous Café on Saturday 26 August, supported by Noson Allan. Our website contains a gallery of all the artists' work and will be online for a year for people to see and contact artists directly if they wish. You can also view an online version of our printed 16-page brochure. Entry to the exhibition is free.