The UK Government launched the Energy Bill Relief Scheme at the beginning of the month to provide support to eligible businesses until at least 31 March 2023.

 The UK Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) are now inviting businesses and charities to complete a survey on their energy use, the impacts of cost increases and removing the energy support package, and any measures to reduce energy costs.

DCMS have commissioned Arts Council England to host the survey and are signposting through to it here: Energy Bill Relief Scheme review - Sector Survey | Arts Council England (regrettably in English only)

The survey is of relevance to all nations, so it would be good if the impact of the energy crisis on the arts sector here in Wales is heard by the UK Government. The questions are all around your energy use, how much bills have gone up, have you been able to renegotiate bills, impact of the rising costs on your organisation – so really important to get information from Wales fed into this survey.