Llantarnam Grange is looking for new voices in contemporary art and craft to exhibit in our annual graduate showcase Portal.  

If you have graduated from any BA or MA (Hons), visual or applied arts course from a UK university in 2024, then you are eligible to apply.


What is Portal?

Portal is an opportunity for fifteen graduating craftspeople, artists, designers, photographers and makers to take part in the annual exhibition of graduate artists in Llantarnam Grange, Cwmbran, south Wales.

Portal is also a wider conversation about your practice and ambitions, where staff and supporting freelancers act as a sounding board and network. Assisting you in developing a healthy career in the sector.


What is on offer?

Portal is a group exhibition opportunity at Llantarnam Grange that will take place in Gallery 1. Selected artists will gain experience in showing their work to the public, being part of a publication, and building new artistic communities.

Through working closely with our team, this will act as a learning opportunity to help develop practical skills and demystify working in the arts.

There will be some mentoring opportunities in-house with our Director, Exhibitions Officer, Senior Engagement Officer or Market and Development Officer.


Each exhibiting artist will receive a fee of £100 for their involvement, you will need to arrange transportation for delivery of the work to the gallery yourself or by courier.

Deadline: 9am Monday 8 July 2024

Please read our Application Pack before applying:
Portal Application Pack English

Closing date: 08/07/2024