This is a Call Out for Artists and Creative Practitioners!
Our enquiry looks at the question of:
How can we learn about, and share the message of anti-racism with the whole school in a creative and meaningful way?
We seek to develop an anti-racism curriculum, linking to the National priorities of Wales as an anti-racism school by 2030.
The project will start in September and will be completed in November 2024.
The children of Year 4 have expressed a wish to work with an Artist who is Kind, Helpful, Respectful, Good at their job, Fun and Serious.
The teachers wish to increase problem solving, collaboration, well-being and happiness in the pupils, and promote our message to the wider community.
The pupils perceive creativity as: Sketching, Painting, Tracing, Dancing, Movement, Singing, Shows, Plays, Statues, Building, Minecraft, Clay and Sand Sculpture, Cooking and Baking.
Can you show us other ways to learn and share though creativity?
This is a fantastic school with a strong equality ethos, come and join us in learning and exploring!
Artists! Your fee will be £300 per day.
In this enquiry you will be required to deliver 10-12 days with the class, splitting if more than 1 practitioner is employed. There will be 3 additional paid days for planning, CPD and evaluation. Creative Practitioner training necessary and available on June 25th.
We wish to integrate CPD for the school with a day prior to the start of the enquiry, as well as creating a multi-class experience with allocated time with other teachers.
Please email applications with examples of work and a short personal statement including how you may approach the project by Tuesday the 4th of June to:
Availability will be required for an interview with the children on the week of 10th June.
We strive for diversity and inclusivity in our school and welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and ages.
“At Cadle Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that our whole community is treated with equality and respect.
We are proud of our diversity and welcome all.
We wish to creatively express this ethos in a meaningful, memorable and impactful way”.