The Night Out Young Promoter project sits alongside the Night Out scheme, working with groups of children and young people to take them through the process of organising an event for their community.
Since its inception in 2005, we'ce funded more than 300 projects in schools and in youth groups throughout Wales, most often in areas of social deprivation and rural isolation.

A Young Promoter project takes place over a series of six weekly workshops, where participants learn all about the processes involved in event management.
On the night of the show the children are in charge, running the box office, showing people to their seats and delivering speeches. In St James Primary School in Caerphilly, one eight-year-old Young Promoter reported that the project had made her 'less shy and more confident'.
“The project added value to the curriculum, and helped children to make huge leaps forward in confidence, motivation and interpersonal skills."
Young Promoter projects can be run with any age group and ability, although they work best with years 5 or 6 in primary schools.