We want the widest possible range of people to have the opportunity to take part in and enjoy the arts. We want to address the barriers that can prevent many people from getting involved, be they social, economic, geographic or financial.  

We want to support projects that will give people from communities across Wales the opportunity to participate in and enjoy creative activities. When we talk about community and communities these aren’t just limited to locality and place. 

Individuals applying to lead participatory or socially engaged activity with children, young people or vulnerable adults need to provide written evidence that an organisational partner will take on the responsibility of safeguarding for the duration of the project. The organisation would need to have appropriate safeguarding procedures in place for this type of work and follow them in line with their own safeguarding procedures. 


We’re keen to support: 

  • Imaginative participatory arts programmes that reach out and meaningfully engage people. 

  • Opportunities for communities to engage creatively in artistic activity. 

  • Projects that develop partnerships to support engagement with targeted communities. 

  • Projects where the partners and people you are aiming to reach have been involved in planning the project from the outset. 

  • Projects that engage creative professionals to work with voluntary and community organisations to improve the quality of the arts activity they deliver.              

  • Projects that involve and encourage partnerships with communities.   

  • Projects that will have a long-term legacy.                 

  • Accessible projects that have considered ways of reducing the barriers to participation. 


We will not support:  

  • Projects and activities that don’t involve communities in their development. 

  • Projects that deliver for, rather than with, targeted beneficiaries. 

  • Projects that don’t consider the quality and relevance of the arts activity.