Happy St David's Day

In 2015 Wales became the first country to create legislation committing all public bodies to sustainable cultural development.   

Since then, artists from Wales have been creatively leading the change in developing work and content that responds to the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and inspires us to imagine a better future. From Japan to Ireland, Finland to New Zealand, the work attracts significant attention internationally.   

This year for our Pethau Bychain campaign (an annual campaign by Wales Arts International about how the arts can do small things that can change the world), we have commissioned a film that celebrates and showcases arts projects and content that have been inspired by or which draw attention to the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act.  

The content has been curated by poet Iestyn Tyne who is also a Future Wakes Fellowship artist.  

Here is a creative piece by Iestyn which will feature in our upcoming longer film:  

Artists seen in the film

  • Manon Awst
  • Junko Mori / Plas Glyn-Y-Weddw
  • Qwerin
  • Wales Literature Exchange & Literature Across Frontiers - Costal Echoes Turkey & India
  • Gareth Bonello
  • Jukebox Collective