The annual award of £3,000 per student is intended to enable the graduate to continue and develop their practice, by paying for things such as studio rent, travel, mentoring or equipment.

Universities and colleges in Wales have the opportunity to nominate graduating degree students whom they feel would benefit the most from this unique opportunity to help establish them in their first year as a creative professional. The closing date for this year’s award is 25 May 2022.

Arts Council of Wales particularly welcome nominations to support students from under-represented backgrounds. Under-represented could mean people who face barriers to opportunities due to their sexuality, ethnicity, social and economic background, or a disability.

Brian Ross left his estate to the Arts Council of Wales stating that his legacy should be used to encourage and support up and coming artists to develop their work and to further their careers. Since 2011 this legacy has been used to support graduating visual artists in the early stages of their professional artistic career.

Information on eligibility and assessment criteria are included within the guidelines which can be found here