Arts Council of Wales, in partnership with Natural Resources Wales are looking for 8 artists, based in Wales, to join the Future Wales Fellowship.

The Fellowship will bring the artists together to explore the impact climate change is having on the people of Wales focusing on the three main themes of Energy, Food and Transport. 

Artists can work in any artform and will be given support and opportunities to develop their own artistic work, but also to challenge the way people think about climate change to encourage people to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Applications to the Future Wales Fellowship is open to all but the Fellowship would like to see more people from under-represented backgrounds applying.  Under-represented could mean people who face barriers to opportunities due to their sexuality, ethnicity, social and economic background, or a disability. 

Successful artists invited to be a Future Wales Fellow will:

  • Receive a grant of £25,000 from March 2022 to March 2023.
  • Take part in sessions with scientists and thinkers who are working to tackle climate change and promote more sustainable ways of living.
  • Share their ideas and work creative in public activities and events.

If you would like to find out more about joining the Future Wales Fellowship, Arts Council of Wales will be holding an online event on 3 and 7 February 2022.  Click here to register: