
About the International Opportunities Fund 

There are rolling deadlines in place for the International Opportunities Fund. This means that an application can be submitted at any time with a decision no later than 6 weeks from submission. More information is available in the fund guidelines which can be found under ‘Help’ below.

Pause to the International Opportunities Fund 

As part of the development of our new international strategy and in response to the unprecedented demand for the fund, we are reviewing the application process and guidance for the International Opportunities Fund over the summer period.  

The fund will be closed for applications during this period so that we can implement these changes.  

The last date to submit an application is 5pm, Friday 9th July 2024. 

The fund will reopen for applications on Monday 2nd September 2024 and applicants will receive a decision within seven weeks of submitting an application. 

We will publish the new guidance in August 2024 on Arts Council Wales and WAI websites, and we will use Arts Council Wales and WAI social media channels to communicate this.  


The purpose of the fund is: 

  • To support the development of relationships, collaborations and networks between Wales’ creative professionals and arts organisations and international partners.  
  • To share experiences and skills through the arts within an international context. 
  • To raise the profile of Wales and its connections through the arts internationally.  

The fund can support the development of international relationships, collaborations and networks through:   

  • In person activity taking place outside of Wales and the UK 
  • Hybrid activity combining in person activity outside of Wales and the UK and digital development  
  • Digital platforms and tools 


What if I have a question or would like access support?

Contact us: +44 29 2044 1300 | info@wai.org.uk
Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Frequently Asked Questions

Artist Fees
We want to make sure that you and members of your project team both in Wales and international are being paid appropriately and fairly. Your project should include fees to cover your/their time if these costs are not being covered from other sources or are in receipt of regular funding. Fees can be up to 100% of your project expenditure. Please give a breakdown of the fees in the project budget.  

Artistic activity costs
These can include costs such as travel, transport, accommodation, per diems, travel insurance, digital activity costs and the hire of rehearsal spaces and equipment. You may also include costs such as translation and documenting the project.  

We can consider costs relating to access to digital platforms and equipment if necessary to the project and cannot be supported from elsewhere.

Costs for making your activity more accessible
See ‘What are Access costs?’
These costs are considered in addition to the project costs.

Costs associated with evaluating the activity and project.  

Project specific administration and overhead costs
We can consider project specific administration and overheads if they are not paid for by other funding and are clearly additional, and if you are not in receipt of regular funding from Arts Council of Wales or another source. You must show us that the costs will be incurred for a time-limited period and are directly related to your project.  


Access costs are non-artistic costs aimed at removing barriers to participation for yourself, someone you are working with or employing, or for participants or audiences engaging with your project or activity. We can help to cover access support costs for you, or anyone directly involved in the creative development and delivery of your project. These might include sign language interpreter costs, palantypist costs, support workers, specialist equipment or software.  

In your budget please give a breakdown of the access costs, for example: Support worker: £ per day, X days.  

This total is separate from the amount you are applying for to deliver the project. This total will be added to the total grant request. 

Other translation costs, for example from Welsh to English or English to German, should be included within the main project costs.  


We can accept applications from formal and informal artist collectives and networks. For those that are not formally constituted, one artist or creative practitioner will need to act as the lead applicant who will take reporting and financial responsibility.


There’s likely to be significant competition for the available funds and we won’t be able to fund all of the eligible applications that we receive. You may be awarded a lower amount but we will take into consideration the viability of the project in any decision to award a lower amount. 


Once you’ve signed and returned your Award Acceptance and we’ve verified your details and any conditions of grant, we'll pay the award in full. You will be required to submit a report at the end of your project as a standard condition of the award.