Projects we've funded

Organisation Area Amount awarded Date awarded Project end date
Organisation: Higson, Rauni Area: Gwynedd Amount awarded: £15353 Date awarded: 11/11/2015 Project end date: 30/9/2017
Title: A Year of Creative Enquiry
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Gwynedd (100%)
Organisation: Rhydderch, Samantha Wynne Area: Ceredigion Amount awarded: £14350 Date awarded: 13/11/2014 Project end date: 19/10/2015
Title: Concertina folding and unfolding poetry from tango
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Ceredigion (100%)
Organisation: Easterby, Jonathan Area: Powys Amount awarded: £24700 Date awarded: 11/11/2015 Project end date: 31/5/2017
Title: Tree and Wood
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Powys (100%)
Organisation: Stitt, Andre Area: Cardiff Amount awarded: £25000 Date awarded: 13/11/2014 Project end date: 30/4/2016
Title: Painting Installation
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Cardiff (100%)
Organisation: Orrell, Jeanette Area: Denbighshire Amount awarded: £25000 Date awarded: 9/11/2016 Project end date: 25/5/2018
Title: Repair: IAlwaysHadTheFearOfBeingSeparatedAndAbandoned. TheSewingIsMyAttemptToKeepThingsTogetherAndMakeThingsWhole LouiseBourgeois
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Denbighshire (100%)
Organisation: Ghazoul, Rabab Area: Cardiff Amount awarded: £19641 Date awarded: 11/11/2015 Project end date: 30/6/2018
Title: The Social Hemisphere
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Cardiff (100%)
Organisation: Morris, James Area: Ceredigion Amount awarded: £25000 Date awarded: 8/11/2017 Project end date: 1/7/2019
Title: Turn and face the strange
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Ceredigion (100%)
Organisation: Bromage, Tim Area: Cardiff Amount awarded: £11129 Date awarded: 8/11/2017 Project end date: 30/11/2018
Title: Blurred Histories
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Cardiff (100%)
Organisation: Lewis, Gwyneth Area: Cardiff Amount awarded: £18000 Date awarded: 9/11/2016 Project end date: 28/2/2018
Title: Spacetime
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Cardiff (100%)
Organisation: Bowman, Robert Area: Cardiff Amount awarded: £20000 Date awarded: 11/11/2015 Project end date: 28/10/2017
Title: The Sciences, Games and Magic
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Cardiff (100%)
Organisation: Young, Joanna Area: Cardiff Amount awarded: £20000 Date awarded: 9/11/2016 Project end date: 31/3/2019
Title: Conditions for Possibility
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Cardiff (100%)
Organisation: Awst, Manon Area: Isle of Anglesey Amount awarded: £18000 Date awarded: 13/11/2014 Project end date: 31/12/2015
Title: Instrumental Environments
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Isle of Anglesey (100%)
Organisation: Davey, Holly Area: Cardiff Amount awarded: £22000 Date awarded: 9/11/2016 Project end date: 31/10/2018
Title: A Studio of Mistakes
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Cardiff (100%)
Organisation: Singh, Rakhi Area: Carmarthenshire Amount awarded: £21901 Date awarded: 13/11/2014 Project end date: 22/6/2018
Title: Classical, folk and beyond.
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Carmarthenshire (100%)
Organisation: Sabin, Caroline Area: Cardiff Amount awarded: £16020 Date awarded: 13/11/2014 Project end date: 30/11/2016
Title: Swimming Upstream
Fund: Lottery Distribution
Scheme: Creative Wales Awards
Area: Cardiff (100%)
Organisation: Torch Theatre Company Ltd Area: Pembrokeshire Amount awarded: £26719 Date awarded: 16/3/2017 Project end date: 31/1/2018
Title: Repair and enhancement to the fly tower
Fund: General Activities
Scheme: Direct Funding
Area: Pembrokeshire (100%)
Organisation: Ffilm Cymru Wales Area: Cardiff Amount awarded: £20000 Date awarded: 15/11/2016 Project end date: 30/9/2019
Title: Labordy II - a tailored training initiative for emerging Welsh Language directors.
Fund: General Activities
Scheme: Direct Funding
Area: Cardiff (100%)
Organisation: Welsh National Opera Area: Cardiff Amount awarded: £80000 Date awarded: 5/1/2015 Project end date: 10/3/2017
Title: Artworks Cymru 2015
Fund: General Activities
Scheme: Direct Funding
Area: Cardiff (100%)
Organisation: BBC National Orchestra of Wales Area: Cardiff Amount awarded: £70000 Date awarded: 24/3/2015 Project end date: 31/3/2016
Title: Patagonia 150 projects of BBC NOW
Fund: General Activities
Scheme: Direct Funding
Area: Cardiff (100%)
Organisation: Theatr Clwyd Area: Flintshire Amount awarded: £61500 Date awarded: 17/3/2016 Project end date: 30/3/2018
Title: Essential maintenance
Fund: General Activities
Scheme: Direct Funding
Area: Flintshire (100%)