Projects we've funded
Organisation | Area | Amount awarded | Date awarded | Project end date |
Organisation: Bonello, Gareth | Area: European Union | Amount awarded: £1675 | Date awarded: 16/8/2016 | Project end date: 4/9/2016 |
Title: The Gentle Good in Sweden 2016 Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: European Union |
Organisation: Bonello, Gareth | Area: Americas | Amount awarded: £3140 | Date awarded: 15/12/2015 | Project end date: 29/2/2016 |
Title: Taith The Gentle Good i FAI 2016 Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: Americas |
Organisation: Conn, Gerald | Area: East Asia | Amount awarded: £1780 | Date awarded: 29/9/2014 | Project end date: 30/11/2014 |
Title: Animation with Mobile Technologies Collaborative Project with Auckland School of Art Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: East Asia |
Organisation: Bonello, Gareth | Area: East Asia | Amount awarded: £3444 | Date awarded: 29/10/2014 | Project end date: 16/3/2015 |
Title: The Gentle Good Australian Tour Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: East Asia |
Organisation: Wigdel, Siri | Area: European Union | Amount awarded: £550 | Date awarded: 18/10/2017 | Project end date: 17/11/2017 |
Title: DanseFestival Barents 2017 visit Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: European Union |
Organisation: James Jones, Buddug | Area: East Asia | Amount awarded: £5000 | Date awarded: 17/2/2015 | Project end date: 9/11/2015 |
Title: Hiraeth, New Zealand Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: East Asia |
Organisation: Addo | Area: European Union | Amount awarded: £2395 | Date awarded: 5/8/2014 | Project end date: 4/9/2014 |
Title: Wales & European Artist in Residence Research Visit Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: European Union |
Organisation: Emberton, Gwyn | Area: European Union | Amount awarded: £3285 | Date awarded: 29/4/2016 | Project end date: 25/11/2016 |
Title: Babulus - iCoDaCo 2016 Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: European Union |
Organisation: Papertrail / Llwybr Papur | Area: East Asia | Amount awarded: £4995 | Date awarded: 13/3/2019 | Project end date: 31/5/2019 |
Title: Project HUSH in Japan: Papertrail & Theatr Clwyd co-production Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: East Asia |
Organisation: Emberton, Gwyn | Area: Wider Europe and Central Asia | Amount awarded: £5000 | Date awarded: 24/6/2014 | Project end date: 13/11/2014 |
Title: iCODACO Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: Wider Europe and Central Asia |
Organisation: Arcade Campfa | Area: European Union | Amount awarded: £675 | Date awarded: 4/4/2017 | Project end date: 19/7/2017 |
Title: SWITCHed (artists exchange programme research visit), Nantes, France Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: European Union |
Organisation: Arcade Campfa | Area: European Union | Amount awarded: £4900 | Date awarded: 22/2/2018 | Project end date: 29/7/2018 |
Title: Overall project title: SWITCH(ed) Exhibition title: "Sideways into the distance" Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: European Union |
Organisation: Calan | Area: East Asia | Amount awarded: £4800 | Date awarded: 25/4/2017 | Project end date: 14/6/2017 |
Title: Calan in Australia Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: East Asia |
Organisation: Calan | Area: Americas | Amount awarded: £4767 | Date awarded: 15/12/2015 | Project end date: 21/2/2016 |
Title: Calan at Folk Alliance Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: Americas |
Organisation: Tinnemans, Jobina | Area: European Union | Amount awarded: £1440 | Date awarded: 26/8/2014 | Project end date: 13/10/2014 |
Title: Shakespeare And Hedgeshear Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: European Union |
Organisation: Devlin, Ronan | Area: Americas | Amount awarded: £1217 | Date awarded: 11/4/2016 | Project end date: 8/5/2016 |
Title: Lumen Prize Exhibition & Artist Speaker at Creative Tech Week, New York Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: Americas |
Organisation: Goulbourne, Alan | Area: European Union | Amount awarded: £2760 | Date awarded: 31/7/2015 | Project end date: 31/10/2015 |
Title: Lyon and Parcour Saint-Germain Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: European Union |
Organisation: Goulbourne, Alan | Area: European Union | Amount awarded: £3600 | Date awarded: 26/8/2014 | Project end date: 16/2/2015 |
Title: Paris Exhibition and Art Fair Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: European Union |
Organisation: Devlin, Ronan | Area: Americas | Amount awarded: £2039 | Date awarded: 20/9/2017 | Project end date: 8/10/2017 |
Title: Visit New York Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: Americas |
Organisation: Jones, Rhian Haf | Area: European Union | Amount awarded: £5000 | Date awarded: 25/7/2018 | Project end date: 27/9/2018 |
Title: Captured Moments in Venice Fund: Lottery Distribution Scheme: International Opportunity Fund Area: European Union |