The Arts Council of Wales wants to fund ideas which encourage the creation of new networks, and which strengthen existing networking opportunities.
As we all try to cope with the consequences of Covid 19, it’s becoming increasingly important that we connect across the arts and cultural sectors, and that we provide support for the sharing and exchange of information.
We’re particularly interested in initiatives which focus on promoting and strengthening diversity and inclusion throughout the arts sector, and on widening engagement with diverse communities. We want all voices to be heard, and to matter. We feel it’s important that communities and debates arising from #BlackLivesMatter and #WeShallNotBeRemoved are able to continue, to inform, enrich and broaden the arts sector here in Wales.
We’re open to different sorts of ideas. However, this might include networks which focus on:
- Engaging and developing diverse audiences
- Supporting diverse voices across the sector to make themselves heard. We are particularly interested in supporting networks from Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent communities and/or Ethnically and Culturally Diverse communities.
- Increasing participation in the Arts, particularly for those who feel separated or disconnected for a number of reasons – including, but not restricted to, economic, social and geographical considerations.
- Developing sustainable funding models to enable this activity.
Networks come in all shapes and sizes. Some are more formal than others; some large, others small. Networks may choose to meet on a regular basis, others as and when the members feel it necessary. Networks don’t have to depend on face to face meetings – they can be created and run online.
We see networks as being important to facilitate the following:
- sharing skills, knowledge and expertise;
- providing support;
- encouraging collaborative working;
- sharing resources;
- debating issues and discussing ideas
- Supporting new and existing networks
We’re keen to encourage the creation of new networks that bring together people and organisations with shared needs and interests. We feel that these are far more likely to develop and prosper if they grow organically from within the sector rather than being created by a third party, such as the Arts Council of Wales.
So it’s over to you. We can provide small sums of money on a one-off basis towards:
- Costs of meetings to bring together individuals or organisations sharing a common purpose with a view to creating a network
- Set up costs towards the creation of online forums/communities
We don’t want to exclude existing networks, and we’re keen to explore with them ways of developing the support they offer their members. This may, for example, result in providing some funding towards a one-off event that will enhance the capabilities of the group or offer an opportunity to increase the number of members.
We’re open to supporting a range of different types of networks: local/regional groups; artist led groups or networks connected by art form or activity types. In supporting the development of new networks, we’re particularly concerned that evidence of a clear common purpose or shared need among potential members can be demonstrated. We also need to feel sure that subsequent activity will be self-sustaining.
Please see the Guidelines below.